Benefits of E-Bikes

If you’re in the market for a new bike, upgrading an existing bike or new to cycling all together, you will no doubt have considered an electric bike as an option. E-Bikes are all the rage at the moment and in this article we discuss some of the benefits of e-bikes.

Why e-bikes?

When e-bikes made their first appearance in the early 90s, we thought “ why would anyone need that?”. After all, if you wanted a mechanical vehicle you’d get a motor bike or (heaven forbid!) a car right? Putting a machine on a bike felt like switching to the dark side.

However after many bike rides and meeting so many people with e-bikes, including one climbing the col de Columbiere, we realised the appeal of electric bikes. The col de Columbiere is a challenging mountain pass route for cyclists through the Alps, with the steepest section having a 10.2% elevation. Take it from us, that’s steep!

5 benefits of e-bikes

Here’s are our top five reasons to buy an e-bike.

1. e-bikes are inclusive

An e-bike levels the playing field for cyclists at different levels. Since everyone has different fitness levels, an e-bike can help less experience cyclists keep up with those who have higher fitness levels, allowing groups of mixed abilities to enjoy cycling together.

2. More family time

With e-bikes assisting, families can explore and enjoy the joy of cycling together. Whether it’s the older generation or youngsters, maybe couples with one cyclist stronger than the other, e-bikes help families to explore further distances for longer periods.

3. Get to work without breaking a sweat

E-bikes a great form of transport to commute without arriving in work all sweaty. You still tick the green transport box, the staying active box and save money box, without having your colleagues walk around you in the corridor while pinching their nose!

4. Save money

With an e-bike there’s no license needed, to tax costs, no fuel costs and the insurance is probably cheaper than a car too. All in all, it’s a money saving alternative to using a car to get around.

5. More cycle lanes are being introduced all the time

With the UK Government recognising the environmental benefits of having more people switch to cycling, there’s on-going investment to introduce more cycle paths and lanes. This makes it safer and more convenient to switch to cycling, and e-bikes are perfect to use on all cycle routes.

Need help choosing an e-bike?

If like us you can see the benefits of an e-bike and you need some help to choose the right one for you, contact us – we can help you choose the perfect bike for you, from sizing to ordering and assembly and even delivery to your door.

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