EVENT: Kids’ Bike Repair Lessons

Looking to engage your child in something constructive this summer? 

We are offering a summer holiday event to children teaching them the basic skills of bike maintenance at Rossendale Bike Hub, next to The Hill (Ski Rossendale) on Wednesday 16th August 2023. This is a fantastic opportunity that will provide kids with valuable skills and a sense of independence. Through this event, children will learn essential bike maintenance techniques, enabling them to take care of their bicycles and tackle minor problems on their own. Moreover, it will be a fun and educational activity, engaging kids in productive learning during their break.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday 16th August 2023
Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm
Age: 12 to 16 years old
*** Only 10 places available! ***


£15 per child. Payment is required in advance to reserve a place.

What to bring:

  • Bring your own bike
  • Bring your own helmet
  • A small amount of cash if you wish to purchase food or additional cleaning products
  • A Mid-morning snack will be provided. Lunch can be purchased on site too.

The event aims to equip children with the knowledge and practical skills needed to maintain their bikes effectively. They will learn:

  • how to clean and oil their bikes correctly, ensuring smooth functionality and increased longevity. Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential to prevent rust and wear, and this knowledge will enable them to keep their bikes in top condition.
  • Changing an inner tube and repairing a puncture are crucial skills that every cyclist should possess. During the event, the children will be taught step-by-step how to handle punctures and replace inner tubes efficiently. This practical knowledge will empower them to confidently tackle flat tires, enabling them to continue riding without relying on others for assistance.
  • Understanding how to inflate tires to the right pressure is essential for a safe and comfortable ride. Children will be guided on using pressure gauges and adjusting the air levels according to the type of terrain they plan to ride on. Properly inflated tires offer better traction, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing overall biking experience.
  • Checking the brakes is crucial for safe cycling, and the event will include lessons on brake inspection and adjustment. By learning how to maintain brakes, children will be better prepared to handle potential issues and ensure their bikes are safe to ride.
  • Additionally, the event will cover the topic of sizing and fitting the bike correctly. Understanding how to set the bike to the right fit is not only about comfort but also about maximizing efficiency and preventing injury. Kids will learn how to adjust seat height, handlebars, and other components to ensure the bike is tailored to their body size and riding style.

By participating in this event, children will gain valuable life skills, fostering a sense of independence and responsibility and accomplishment.  The event’s positive impact will extend beyond the summer holidays, as the newfound skills will stay with the children for a lifetime, promoting a love for cycling and self-sufficiency in bike maintenance. 

Booking Form

Complete the form below to request a place at this event.

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