Prepare for Winter: Nutrition & Training Evening

As the chill of winter creeps in and the allure of cozy nights at home grows stronger, it’s easy to let your motivation for training slip. The thought of working out, whether on a home trainer, at the gym, or following a regular routine at home, can be overshadowed by the appeal of a glass of red wine and slippers by a roaring fire. However, we know that such a choice may affect your readiness for spring when you should be at your best, strong, and in great form. After all, as the saying goes…

summer bodies are made in the winter.


To ensure you get the most out of yourself during the long winter ahead, you need the right motivation, drive, and effective strategies. That’s why we’re excited to announce a special event at Rossendale Bike Hub featuring the expertise of John Stirzaker and his renowned Nutritional expert wife, Alex from Bespoke Cycling Coaching.

Event Details

Date: Friday, 24th November 7pm to 11pm.
Location: Rossendale Bike Hub

John and Alex will provide valuable insights into optimizing your training programs and nutrition, helping you be the best version of yourself even during the winter months.

What’s in Store

  • Free Food Samples: Get a taste of healthy eating with free food samples that demonstrate how delicious and nutritious meals can be.
  • Recipes: Learn easy and practical recipes that will keep you on track with your training and nutrition goals.
  • Motivation and Focus: Discover strategies to maintain motivation and consistency in your training regimen, even when the winter weather beckons you to stay indoors.

This event promises to be free, fun, and highly informative. Don’t miss this opportunity to gather valuable insights that will keep you on track and ensure you’re in top form when spring arrives. Join us on Friday, 24th November, at Rossendale Bike Hub. Let’s make this winter a season of growth, strength, and preparation for the brighter days ahead. We look forward to seeing you there!

Eager to get started? Read this Getting Wintered blog article from Bespoke Cycling Coaching.

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